June challenge - Film Noir Poster

Deadline for entry:

May challenge Winner Announced!


CGAN Feb 2020 - Beast Slayer - WIPs

12 Feb 2020 20:17 #27794 by Charlotte
...or a flamethrower :dry:

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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12 Feb 2020 21:14 #27795 by Valence
You're certainly challenging my ability to remember those episodes.
*googles again* :lol:

Ps. I think we're past last month's votey deadline thingy.
We might have a winner. :confident:

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12 Feb 2020 22:08 #27796 by Charlotte
Oh the flamethrower was just a Rory thing....

PS - I just realised the same thing about the deadline :dry: *will try to remember tomorrow*
As a wise man once said... "Never do today what you can do elsewhere" :S

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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16 Feb 2020 18:17 #27839 by hansnomad
This all I have after almost two weeks (too much waffling). Couldn't decide between a static pose or dynamic pose, and pretty much hated everything in between. I'm planning on him holding an axe or something in his right hand. That mess on his right forearm is supposed to be a bracer of some kind. I have an idea of what to do with the monster. Trying to decide the color scheme.


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17 Feb 2020 14:22 - 17 Feb 2020 14:26 #27841 by hansnomad
Decided to use a spear rather than a sword or axe and re-did the arm. Cleaned up a bit and added the tail end of a giant snake. I wanted the composition to feel crowded, to convey that he could be potentially enveloped without actually showing the full beast. Going to work from blues to reds--and tried to work out where the torch light would hit his body. I'm not all that happy with the torch arm (the exaggerated muscles I drew make it look like a lumpy hourglass). It's bugging the crap out of me at the moment. :angry:


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17 Feb 2020 14:39 #27842 by Valence
Looking good so far. I love the details and graininess of the texture. Really matches the mood perfectly.

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17 Feb 2020 14:48 #27843 by Charlotte
I think, with the torch arm, we'd see more of the upper arm and less of the lower, i.e. try moving the elbow to the right. Currently the lower arm isn't quite lining up with the hand...

And remember that you've achieved more for this challenge than anyone else so far! (And I assure you it's not for lack of trying... :dry:)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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17 Feb 2020 20:07 #27846 by Valence
Keep trying! :stare:

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19 Feb 2020 01:29 #27874 by Atto
Looks fantastic Hansnomad! Looking forward to see how you develop the colour, always love your colour schemes!

Here’s the second of the five panels I’m planning on doing this month. Not quite finished but I don’t want to give away the story just yet.

No smudge tool was harmed in the making of this image.

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19 Feb 2020 11:20 #27876 by Charlotte
I'm starting to recognise this guy too! :D

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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