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Fish's Unfulfilled Works

17 Sep 2014 17:59 - 17 Sep 2014 18:00 #6260 by McFish
WAT O_________________________O

So this is my WIP thread. Anything and everything.

Feel free to critique anything you see, I welcome it. Nitpick so harsh even your pet dog will be ashamed of you.

So, without further a due. New piece I'm working on is a nebula, which is going to host humanoid godly-like guys walking out from the focal point.

The Furnace

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20 Sep 2014 14:31 #6303 by McFish
Replied by McFish on topic Fish's Unfulfilled Works


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20 Sep 2014 15:40 #6305 by Charlotte
Replied by Charlotte on topic Fish's Unfulfilled Works
I think it looks good - you've got that cloudy nebula look down.

There are a couple of things you could consider, if you wish - the three "mountain top" shapes in the lower right don't seem to fit with the other shapes in my opinion. If they're meant to look like mountains (or something else: only the one closest to the center really looks like a mountain) then try to make them even more similar to such. And consider not having them all clustered in the same area. Or just make them more like the "rolling hills" in the rest of the image. I'm aware nebulas can form really strange shapes but these (especially the 2 in the foreground) don't feel natural to me.

The other thing is the darkness and the stars. I think the newest version is just a bit too black - the dark green of the previous version felt more dramatic. And while it seems stars would show all over the place (I did check som NASA photos) I still think it might be better to decide on one area (light or dark) to show them. I'd suggest to have them "only" in the dark areas (with some fainter/large ones still showing in lit up areas).

I've never painted a nebula though, that I can remember. So these are just things I'd try myself :)

Any an all misspellings are henceforth blamed on the cats.

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23 Sep 2014 19:48 #6353 by Kodabble
Replied by Kodabble on topic Fish's Unfulfilled Works
McFish: First welcome to the Nexus! Like the colors on this. The stars definitely gives the nebula feel. Agree with Chrlotte that the three spikes on the right don't seem to fit as nebular clouds. Also the yellow sweep on the right seems a bit bright, but I think you are almost there. Nice work.

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